Family History

'What about John? What do we know about him?'
'He came back to Europe aftre having spent six years in Hong Kong. The 31st of October he arrived in Brussels.'
'And 3 weeks later Jean-François is found dead... Funny coincidence. What about his name by the way? A family of Italian immigrants that give their son an English name?'
'I know that their father was what you might call an anglophile. Two of the three brothers were educated in the UK by the way - Gianno and John.'
'Good students?', he asked.
'I'm not sure. But I believe of the three, Gianno is the most intellectual. Gianno collects African art, understands five languages and - .'
'Do you know why the family emigrated from Italy?'
'No, nobody has ever spoken about the immigration story. But what is clear is that they were not the ordinary poor Italian immigrants coming to Belgium to work in the mines. Their father was educated, a business man.'
'What kind of business?'