
This morning was more hectic than normal. Three minutes after I got under the shower my phone rang. It was 7h40 am. ‘Hey, this is too early to be calling people!’ I said to myself. ‘Shall I answer or just pretend I didn’t hear anything?’ After a few seconds I turned off the water and slowly got out. I looked at myself in the mirror. My wet brown hair was covering my face and my shoulders. My eye pupils were black and large. Water was dripping from my hair on my breasts. My mobile was lying on the closet. It was still ringing and vibrating, like a very hungry baby screaming for milk. There was no caller id on the screen. I answered.
‘Good morning, is this Anna?’
‘Yes, hello. Who am I speaking to?’ I thought I recognized the voice but I was not able to attach a real face to it.
‘Hello, this is James from Sales. From Francesco. ‘
‘James! Hi! Sorry. What’s going on?’
‘Sorry for calling you this early but there is a problem. There has been a burglary. In the shop. Last night, or this morning, I don’t know.’
‘What?’ I exclaimed. ‘Why? Who?’
It had been only two weeks since we had completely revamped the shop to get ready for the important Halloween and upcoming Christmas season. Me and the people from Sales had spent several long days to get the shop ready.
‘It’s not clear. Anouck arrived at the shop this morning and she discovered everything. A shelf has been broken, the computer screen had been thrown on the floor. The police is here. They’re looking around. It’s strange but nothing seems to have disappeared. Can you come as soon as possible. The police might want to speak to you. And we need to get the shop ready. Paul would like to re-open by tomorrow, if the police allows it.’I didn’t get back in the shower. I wiped myself dry and got dressed. I left my appartment without having any breakfast.