Executive Assistant

When I was applying for a position at Francesco I never for a moment had thought that people working at a cholocate company could be so tensed. Chocolate gets ascribed so many excellent qualities: it is supposed to be a natural feel good medicine, it helps to prevent cancer and high blood pressure, and it even is said to be somewhat of an affrodisiac. For some reason I had built up the belief that chocolate professionals would benefit from the extraordinary qualities of the stuff they’re working with day in day out…having a relaxed mind in a perfectly healthy body, while enjoying a steamy sex life. I must conclude after one year on the job that at least one of these expectations was quite far from the truth, at least at Francesco Chocolatiers.

I have always loved chocolate: milk chocolate when I was younger (preferably in the form of an Easter bunny or something similar!); darker, purer tastes now that I'm a little older. I do understand people that prefer milky, sugared chocolate with for example caramel crisps in it, but to be honest, I feel they are missing out on something. Dark chocolate gives me access to a deeper sensation. Black and pure. No sugar (or very little) and no milk.

Just to be clear: I used the words ‘a little older’ earlier but I’m only twenty seven. I see myself as a young lady enjoying life to the fullest (this includes eating healthy doses of dark chocolate regularly). I work as a secretary at Francesco.

Francesco doesn’t produce just chocolates. We make the finest chocolates in the world, the best of the best, the crème de la crème, yes sir! But why believe me... I obviously hold a biased opinion. Just decide for yourself. If you're in Brussels you can simply drop by our shop on the ‘Sablon’ (this is really superb square in Brussels where several big chocolatiers do business)here in Brussels for example – mention my name (Anna) and they’ll give you a 20% discount. Interesting offer, isn’t it?

I am not sure how well you know Brussels. Maybe you don’t know it at all. Pierre (my boss) loves to say that it’s the only city in the world where all the top chocolatiers can be found in a circle of 5 kilometers. Brussels is the capital of Belgium and of the European Union. It is a relatively nice city to live I believe although at times I get fed up with the weather. Rainy days are followed by cloudy days, and cloudy days are followed by rainy days… or simply cloudy days again! We do get sunshine now and then of course, but it’s clear that someone who knows how to sell sunlight in packages (one Euro a pack and three for the price of two!) could become very wealthy here.